For commissions, enquiries, licenses or any comment you may have please contact me
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"It was while writing a Diary that I discovered how to capture the living moments." -Anais Nin.
Of all the artwork I do, my sketchbook journals are what I most value. They allow me complete freedom and exploration and because of that, the drawings are fresh and expressive in a way I find very difficult to achieve elsewhere.
My journals are visual diaries. In them I try to capture (as Anais says) "the living moments"
I do lots of drawings looking through my windows.
I also love drawing thresholds. They are magical.
When you look through them you are seeing 2 different worlds.
Stairs have a bit of that quality too.
Members of my family are often featured in my journals. Often lying down on sofas. They love it! They love lying down on sofas, I mean. Not being featured in my journals probably!
For commissions, enquiries, licenses or any comment you may have please contact me
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I run regular art workshops. Find out when they happen, sign up HERE
Objects around the house is another subject.
Bruno's world is another of my subjects.
His artwork, his bedroom/studio, him working...
A completely free, eccentric spirit, my son Bruno is.
When my mum was ill with Alzheimer, we used to sit down together to draw.
Below is a drawing in Barcelona from my mum's window.
I use my journals to write sometimes. Here below I was recording the resolution of drawing every day.
For commissions, enquiries, licenses or any comment you may have please contact me
Interested in buying my artwork? Visit my shop
I run regular art workshops. Find out when they happen, sign up HERE