These are drawings from visits to Barcelona through the years I've been living in London.
Read more about my process below.
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Barcelona is the city where I grew up and lived a long part of my adult life. Since 2001 I've lived in London and Barcelona has become a place I visit in memories and dreams. The Barcelona I find when I travel feels a stranger. When I draw it I stay away from the postcard views. I focus on details taken out of context, on interiors that are meaningful to me and on urban space cut outs.
The drawing below is made with a technique I used quite a lot at the time, a technique that was related to the type of sketchbook I was using. It had very thin pages and as I worked with ink, very often drawings would be seen through the pages. Here I had first drawn my mum convalescent in bed and then I traced from the drawings I could see through from the other pages.
Many of these drawings were made from my mum's old flat in el Clot. They are now poignant with memories. My mum is not around anymore...
Very often I draw interiors that show familiar objects, unimportant things left around, books I'm reading... Drawing connects me with reality in an emotional, appreciative, non-judgemental way. I avoid taking pictures. They are too quick, too easy to make, too many. They become banal and, contrary to drawing, because of the lack of appreciative experience, they disconnect me from the subject.
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Keeping journals is also interesting because you can see how your drawings develop and what things you were trying at the time.
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