BOOK AND FILM ILLUSTRATIONS -a personal ink project
A collection of drawings from my sketchbooks and personal projects. Most of them available for purchase at Saatchionline.
This year I've been working mainly with ink and I'm really loving it. It has a density, an intensity that I love. I work with it similarly as I'd do with watercolour, with layers and the unpredictability of the wet in wet. I'm so fascinated by the beauty of each mark, the depth and light it generates...
I've been drawing with references from Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon. That film is a feast for the eyes. I love the design and fashion of that time. It's so exaggerated, so theatrical. Also the gender role playing is. And the women -presented as exquisitely wrapped gifts. Ready to be unwrapped...
The original ink drawings above are available for purchase at Saatchionline.

Cover illustration of Weights and Measures by Joseph Roth.